Thread: Gearing
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Old 04-11-2011, 02:06 AM   #7
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Re: Gearing

Yes... swapping gears would probably be easier with no mods required compared to swapping to a TKO or other overdrive manual trans.

A TKO with a 28" tall tire and 3.54 gears is just under 1600 rpm @ 55 mph.

There are gears available for your Dana 44 in both 3.08 ratio as well as 2.73.

The Dana 44 with 2.73 gears and a 28" tire spins the engine @ 1800 rpm @ 55mph although I am certain that depending on what engine you have you will not be happy with how it reacts from a dead stop... something with this tall of a gear would need to have a heavy flywheel to build up enough inertia to get it moving.

Last edited by blackedoutharley; 04-11-2011 at 02:08 AM.
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