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Old 04-11-2011, 08:13 AM   #7
James McClure
One shot, one kill.
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Saratoga Springs NY
Posts: 859
Re: what would you do, small accident

I got hit in a parking lot once. Both vehicles were parked. A woman (no lady) driving a new Caddy pulled in next to me and swung her door open with so much force you would think she was trying to rip it off the hinges. I figure because she waas SOOO big ( I'm talking real big here, sumo wrestler big) she pushed the door open with her thigh instead of her arm. The door slammed into the edge of my running board. The boards are home made 1\4" aluminum with 2X2" square steel framework. Her door edge bent right over so far her door could not be closed. She went off like a roman candle. I have never heard such a tyrade, much less out of the mouth of a woman. I called the cops right away. When the cops got there and checked paperwork ect and ran our names I came back clean, BUT, she had a DUI warrent and her insurance was lapsed. She got arrested, handcuffs and all. Took 2 pairs of cuffs because her arms wouldn't go behind her to well. The iceing on the cake was the cop telling her to "shut your fat ass up or I'll charge you with disorderly conduct too" AND, the tow truck driver beating the crap out of her door to get it to latch. Finally he did get it to latch but busted the mirror off, broke the drivers window, the rear side light window and caved the door right in. All in all, a good day. Little paint on my running board was it. I wonder what that day cost her? I just love getting one over on some high minded jerk. jim
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