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Old 04-11-2011, 09:33 PM   #50
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Re: Project X, with a twist!!!

Originally Posted by HSkinner View Post
Del, so what do you recomend Scotts stuff or Porterbuilt. Whats the cost comparison between the two. So far I don't see any issues with Scotts cross member.
Well thats a loaded question, there are advantages to both. The Scotts has zero fab work involed, just bolt her up. The Porter you need to weld in notches for the rack but in doing so you gain 1.5 inches to the ground on the x member. Both are tough as nails and very well made. I've bought both and at the end of the day can honestly say they are priced very close, the Scotts being the cheaper of the two. I havent road tested or took a Scotts to the alignment shop yet so I can't really comment fully on the question. Stay tuned though.
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