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Old 07-18-2003, 05:59 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Modesto, CA
Posts: 1,321
BOOYAH! I fought the brakes...and I kicker their AZZ!!

Well friends, I'm glad to report, that with new brake pads, brake rotors and completely lubed up guides and wheel bearings...the van is driving PERFECT! When I hit the brakes, it goes straight as an arrow! I dunno WHAT was causing the problem...but it could have been a warped rotor..I guess I'll never know. It's awesome now when I brake, it STOPS...QUICK! YAY! And I haven't even bled the brakes yet...
The only money I've put OUT into this project, is the money for the tires (which I needed anyway, because they were down to the cords.)! I WOULD have had to pay for the alignment, but he said since it's still pulling, he technically couldn't charge me. (with a wink.) So...YAY! Time to go to Arizona and get my damn exhaust for my vette, and take a few other trips!
I have a few cars...
See Them Here
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