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Old 04-12-2011, 09:29 AM   #2
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Re: Proportioning valve question

Originally Posted by c10/72 View Post
Asking for advise and please show me your pics on brake plumbing.

Has anyone used a disc/disc ppv, but only used one port for the front brakes instead of both the front ports to keep things clean...If so, is there a difference on the brakes performance or I should be good just using one port with a T-fitting.

Thank you

I'd use both ports, hear is why, you're gonna be pushing fluid for 2 big disc brack calb. pistons through one port/line if you use only one, setting up a roadblock in your braking system at the front , allowing the rears to lock up as you add pressure at the pedal to push though that road block , that the rears will not be dealing with and the rears will apply harder and faster than you'll want and lock up easier..
tee'n the fronts from one port is cuting the flow area in half..
you'll be defeeting the reason for te valve in the first place
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