Checked float levels/drop today, re set all that. Swapped bottom bowl out for a 1406 (electric choke) because I had tinkered abit with the adj.
It starts like crap ask hubscrub lol, sometimes worse than others? I guess its the timing/A/F screws? There about 1 3/4 turns out, I may try'n save for a vacumn guage to tune them by?
I dunno I really dont trust anyone, and the people that tell me they know how to make it run/start better, dont make it any better?
Uh.I also picked up some trim clips for some more trim intallation, well the driver door is out of alignment so much that when I opened the door it 'tried' to peel the trim off the door. I tried to pull the door back to adj it but i couldnt get it...
So I wasted abunch of time in the
puttin new plug wires on tomorow maybe that helps (current wires are OLD) will double check the routing as well.