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Old 04-13-2011, 09:22 AM   #1
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Posts: 570

To th epoint where thats the only thing left on my truck after i tore it down... Lastnight i went to but my cap on my dizzy to try and start truck.. set thge engine at tdc, timing mark at 0. but rotor not pointing to no 1 cylinder on the head. did it three times and the only time the no 1 piston was at th every top and my timing marks where at 0 the rotor pointed toward the driverside firewall.... The truck ran fine whern i bought it and it made the 50 mile trek home no problem... I got it to start and run exactly where everything origionally was from the. How in th e world is my rotor supposed to point towards my no 1 cylinder.. i always though the distrubutor only went in two ways.. im so confused... then my buy told me the only reason i can only get it to go in two ways is because of the oil pump.. wow that got me even worse!!!
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