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Old 04-15-2011, 02:39 AM   #6
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Re: Suddenly running like crap, where to start.

I am running an Edelbrock 1406 carb with a 1" riser on my 350 it does the same thing, from time to time, I find a safe place to pull over and back out the Idle screws and then back in and the problem goes away. I have two fuel filters in line but some how a bit of rust gets by the filter, both filters have reddish looking substance in them. I pulled the fuel pick up and it has a bit of rust on it, so I have a feeling the rust is in the carb and getting stuck in the idle circuit because when I back out the idle screws the problem goes away. Looks like a new fuel sending unit is in the future.
The carb is easy to clean out, just remove the two screws on the top sides of the carb, be careful not to bend the metering pins, then remove the springs they fall back into place when you put it back together. Then take out the screws holding the top of the carb out and you will see the floats they remove very easy clean out your bowls and put it back together the way you took it apart. I went to my local speedshop and bought a rebuild kit and it had an exploded view of the carb and all the parts you need to rebuild it. The carb also has torx bits inside holding the fuels squirters in place if you choose to rebuild it, I used the gasket and the new acc pump fixings, I bet it just has some junk in the jets as they are on the bottom of the fuel bowls. Hope this helps

Last edited by jcis4me; 04-15-2011 at 02:48 AM.
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