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Old 04-15-2011, 11:08 AM   #1
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68 front suspension swap

Im sure this topic has been covered several times before, but I would like to make sure Im not going to open a huge can of worms. I recently purchased an 82 c10. Ive seen where guys have swapped the front suspension, crossmember and all in older trucks. The 82 has dropped springs and spindles and I would like to slide all of this under my 68. Ive been told and read that its ALMOST a bolt in swap but I would still like to solicit some advice to make the process as smooth as I can. Will I need any other parts than the ones from my donor truck? Which steering box should I use, both have power steering? Which motor mount towers should I use, both are v8 trucks and Im also using the engine/trans from the 82 in the 68? And any advice in general would be very much appreciated, thanks
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