Thread: np203 questions
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Old 04-17-2011, 01:35 AM   #10
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Re: np203 questions

Originally Posted by hatzie View Post
The NP203 has a lockable differential just like front and rear axles. In 4HI and 4LO it's just an open diff sending power to the driveshaft that turns easiest so it doesn't bind up on smooth pavement. In 4HI Lock and 4LO Lock the diff locks and it operates like any other transfer case in 4x4.

The NP203 has to have a part-time kit installed and it's heavier than a dead horse... Mile Marker made a full shaft part time kit for the NP203 the cheaper shaftless kits don't have good reputations.
The NP208 has a much better low range 2.76:1 when compared to the 203 & 205 that have 1.96:1 low range and should hold up fine behind the 6.2.

The 208 is also significantly weaker than a 205. I have seen more than a few 208s leave their guts behind.
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