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Old 04-17-2011, 10:38 AM   #3
Social D
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Location: bakersfield, ca
Posts: 10
Re: '87 suburban won't ide in gear?

ok i finally got a chance to change the fuel filter. went to start the truck and it would not start at all now. (was going to pull it in my driveway to change filter). r&r filter still would not start. gauge reads 1/4 tank so to make sure gauge is not off i added some gas. still the same. now i can get it to run with starting fluid and will stay running but it wont idle. i do have a factory service manual. been reading it and trying to understand how the fuel system works. just wondering if the TPS or the idle speed sensor could be my problem? probally should plug a scanner in and see if it is giving any codes. thanks SD
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