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Old 04-17-2011, 01:12 PM   #33
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Re: Vent windows, door pins & door weatherstripping

Hatzie - so you leave the hinges bolted to the door, but cut the pins - which allows the door to move away a little bit - enough to allow the new bushing to be installed, without putting too much strain on the door wiring and boot. When the door is moved back into position is there still enough room to drive the pin straight down from the top? Looks pretty tight at the location of the top door pin. The inside of the door sheet metal has a bump inward which would seem to prevent driving the pin in place with the door on. See pic. Do you have to unbolt the top hinge from the door to be able to move the door about 3/4" forward of the hinge to allow the top pin to clear the bump on the door above the top hinge?
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