Thread: 47 AD Tonner
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Old 04-18-2011, 11:01 PM   #4
70C10Toejam's Avatar
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Re: 47 AD Tonner

Originally Posted by kulturekat View Post
if its an 8 lug it must be a 3/4 ton? i have an 8 lug also and wheels got hard to find but what i found worked best was looking into delivery vans like uhaul trucks they match up great.
1Tons are 8 lug too. Ford and Dodge both use the same pattern, EXCEPT a few years ago Ford changed their pickup pattern to a metric version, but the 8 lug vans are SUPPOSED to be the same (as Chevy and Dodge). Thought of borrowing the spare from my work E250 just to try it. Lots and lots of 3/4 ton vans with plain steel rims on them.
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