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Old 04-20-2011, 07:56 PM   #8
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Lubbock, TX
Posts: 41
Re: 51 GMC 5 window+S10+5.3/4l60E

Frame pictures: Gonna skip a few steps. I have never seen a picture type comparison of the S10 frame to the original AD frame. Well here they are.

As you can see they are fairly close, both in length and width. The AD frame is pretty straight without much kickup and tapers front to back. The S10 has the kickout for the cab but much more pronounced dip in the frame rails.

I did put some silver paint on the S10 frame to give me reference points when I start to position the cab.

FYI: As far as I know this is not an unnatural act in TX
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