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Old 04-21-2011, 12:49 PM   #11
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Re: 72,91,92,96,99 Cadillac C-10 Pickup truck

Originally Posted by usmcchevy View Post
I can't wait to see pics of this. Sure it might be a pain and in others opinions not worth it, but if you already have the motor it will be interesting and different. So go for it!
The trans, a 4L60e will easily handle your power and torque. A 80e will just take more power to turn, doesn't have quite as low of a OD gear and it weighs more so it will hurt your economy and performance. Good luck and remember we love pics!
Good point. I actually have a 4L60e with extremely low miles on a rebuild. It's the 97-up style with 65 upgrades. I also have the ECM from it, and I believe I can piggyback the trans ECM to the Caddy ECM as I have done in the past. I don't think this one will be a "pain" so much as more thinking than most people want to spend their time doing. I have worked out the bellhousing issue. Okay, so I got some confimation and exact milling specifications from a guy in England where they actually use these motors for rear wheel drive English built cars with a 700R, tomato, temato. So, I guess it's not that this isn't a popular swap. It's just not a popular swap in America, and not on pickup trucks. This is not a pickup truck. It is a two door Cadillac in disguise, right down to the suspension. Or it will be, at least. I have black leather, 8 way bucket seats with center console, black leather tilt steering, CD with piggybacked cassette deck, all from 1999 Chevy's. Thank you for your encouragement, and an actual fact-based suggestion. That's what I was looking for, suggestions and advice about the build, not suggestions and advice about not doing it. LOL. I live in NC, where the weather looks pretty awful until Saturday. As soon as it clears up, I will start taking pictures.
"Did you seriously just ask me what I need more power for?"
"You're stupid, cause I've smoked plastic."
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