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Old 04-21-2011, 07:20 PM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Shuswap, BC
Posts: 152
Door Weather Stripping

Could someone please post a picture of their single wall top to door glass weather stripping where it goes over the drip catcher. I've got new seals and that looks pretty straight forward, but I also have a set of drip catchers to install and I don't want to figure it out the hard way (by doing it wrong the first time). I take it the drip catchers do in first then the stripping goes on top of them. I would use the weather strip glue on the top. and then when I remove it the drip catcher would go stay on the top?

A close up pic. of that area would be great.

I did a search but the only pics I found were not displaying (X).


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