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Old 04-21-2011, 09:03 PM   #23
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Re: How to drop the front end? How much?

Originally Posted by muthstryker View Post
You could still do a small drop with out running into problems. You could run 2" Spindles so your wheels dont contact the lower control arms, and you could buy 1" drop springs, Or you could cut your stock springs because everyone says the ride is better that way. You can drop your truck a 3/5 or 4/6 for relatively cheap with out running into problems just need to figure out the best set up to run.

If you give me all your tire sizes, the back spacing on the wheels, the look your going for, and what your looking to spend I could basically put together a list of part numbers for you to buy so you wouldnt run into any problems.

If you want to do something like this, Take a look around the 73-87 Shortbed picture thread and get an idea on how low you want to go. Alot of guys are dropped running 15s so I think you would be able to decide fairly quickly on something you like. Did you see the pictures of my truck with the 15" Centerline wheels?
Didn't intend to highjack, but are you saying you can use 2" drop spindles with stock 8" rallys without caliper or LCA interference? What brand?
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