Thread: slamburban
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Old 04-21-2011, 11:46 PM   #4
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Re: slamburban


if i could turn back the clock. i would have spent the extra money and went with air bag tech. the air bag it system in mostly made of japan made metric parts (japametric). there is a reason why they are so cheap, they have cheap quality parts. i had to remind them to ship my order.when i called them up for tech support. he kept putting me on hold to answere other calls, like ten times. when i finally talk to him he was in a big hurry to get me off the phone. he kept telling me to read the instructions and i did about 5 times before i called him. i dont think they actually have any experience. he sounded like he was reading from a book somewhere in india. i will never buy from them again.if i where you i would cancel the order and spend the extra money. if you can

Last edited by fredscarryall; 04-21-2011 at 11:47 PM.
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