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Old 04-22-2011, 11:36 AM   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 570
sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do tho get what you want done did!!

call it what ever you want, but ive sure done some pretty tough stuff using cheapas heck tools or just riggin up my own.... I mean obviously if you have the right tool its a piece of cake.. but unlik emany of You im a poor son of a gun.. My latest repair include a lower radiator support patch using an old mettal cabnet door. it already had the angles to it. Heaterbox repair with some dryer sheets and fiberglass resin.... One tool ive had for years is a bent up wrench for my distributor hold down,, oh, oh and my one man bleeder i just found ( a piece of clear hose on a check valve).. I thinks its awesome to have all the tools made for specific things. but i get a kick out of doing things without all them specialty tools. i bet some of these tools werent even around when our trucks were made. Soimetimes i tell people when they need some part replaced to just do it themselves. they say they dont have tools.. I did my first engine swap when i was 15 with a $15 set of tools from Kmart and a c clamp!!...

Last edited by JORGIE95961; 04-22-2011 at 11:49 AM.
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