Originally Posted by rare86
The makers of Mobil1 and Amsoil were partners at one time. Very similar in products. Best I can tell the falling out was because Mobil1 people didnt like the 25000 mile oil change system most likely because they dont sell as much oil that way. The Amsoil filters clean out smaller particles in the oil thus allowing the extended oil changes. It doesnt break down, it gets contaminated. Mobil 1 is neither better nor worse than Amsoil, it just gets changed more often tho I dont think it really has too.
long intervals suck for me as a mechanic, Oil change intervals should not be determend by the oil company but by the manufactur of the vehicle,
theres a reason for that not just a waste of money take the old 6.2 diesel they have very very short intervals like 2500miles when worked hard and 5000miles under normal use.