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Old 04-24-2011, 09:06 PM   #5
Roto Reuter thats the name...
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Re: Ididit but not yet. Need steering column help.

Yes you're right about the relationship of the wiring to the turn signal location. Wires will come out up. I saw a picture in a thread somewhere that showed wiring coming downward. Not sure what I was thinking. Got confused about it.

As far as the location of the column and the bump where the clamp is under the dash, I am still confused on this. I'm sure someone out there has installed an Ididit column and has run into this. Hopefully someone has build threads and pictures. I've searched the forum but have come up blank.
~ Dan
My 70 K10 SWB build:
My 71 SWB build:

1970 SWB Fleet K10 4X4, 5.3L LM7, 4L60E, Dakota Digital RTX, Vintage Air, Ididit tilt
1971 SWB Fleet C10 - Original SWB Arizona truck, new custom restoration project

"Kick out your motor and drive while you're still alive - kick it out!" - Heart 1977
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