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Old 04-25-2011, 04:57 PM   #1
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Posts: 13
AD Steering Column to S10 Box?

Alright fellows. I know have seen this on here somewhere and tried doing some searches but thought I would just ask the experts. Working on s10 swap and I really have two questions with this is mind. I want to use the original column and mate it to the s10 steering box while also bring the actual steering wheel closer to the dash:

1. How is the best way to seperate the column/tube and the worm gear? Just whoop out the old 4" cutoff wheel and cut it off since I have to probably do that anyway?

2. Could someone reference me to the proper u-joint / shaft setup? I know I'll need to cut a flat on the original column, use a u-joint, some extra shaft, etc....

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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