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Old 04-26-2011, 01:57 AM   #612
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Re: The Project Havoc....

Hey Guys. Well over the last week I have been told good news but then at the same time it has been un certain news. Everything surrounding this situation with inspections is a cloudy grey area.

last week me and mike ( a friend) sat down in regina and had a chat. it was a good one, he raised a few points that seemed really good. This in turn gave me some hope for the future. After that I sat down with Ciaran ( Inspection Manager) and had a chat with him. This seemed to work things out a bit, but in the end I am still wondering. I know he has to cover his arse, and everything, but I need a strait answer.

Ok, as for the plates on our vehicles, this is what I am being told. If it is a 58 and down, it is a modified vintage vehicle, and at this time you can build your own frame and do basically whateve you want to it because it is excempt from all laws, as long as it is safe.

now the grey area, if your vehicle is 30 years or older it is classified as a vintage vehicle, BUT: this is not entirely true, it is a vintage vehicle if it is left stock and untouched. but if you modify it as I have done to my truck they no longer classifiy it as a vintage vehicle but as a type A vehicle, which is your every day driver. So the laws are now different.

In mike's case with his camaro, he now currently has antique plates on it and runs a package policy on it, this makes him excempt from the normal laws, as he has been told. Well i asked about this today at work and this is not the case as they say. Ciaran told me that it is just a classification and not actually binding, the vehicle should be registered as a normal car and then have to go through the inspection station. In Ciran's eyes this car should not be licensed in such a way.

Here lies the problem, you have two different ppl with the same problem, me with a pro-touring truck and mike with a camaro set up for drag racing. he has been told by a SGI Inspector and has gotten written confirmation from him that his vehicle is deemed a modified vintage vehicle and has now gotten written proof of this, where as me, they say that this is not possible and I am classified as a normal car and have to follow those guidlines.

This is where another problem lies, WHO IS RIGHT AND WHO IS WRONG.

Also, they have a problem with my truck because I have built my own suspension, I ama journeyman bodyman, 3rd year heavy duty mechanic, and have aticket for welding. A person is not allowed to build their own suspension components, however you can BUY them from a manufacturer, and they do come with HEIM joints from an aftemarket supplier, why would those be legal when my heim joints are QA1, with DOM tubing as the sleeves. HMMMM, something is not jiving here. So i can buy aftermarket suspension with heim joints, of unknown quality, but I can not put some of my own on a vehicle. wow. In the aftermarket industry you have Heims, on everything from steering to link bars, to sway bars, to shift linkage. on of the most common pieces out there. There has to be some jsutice here with this. either they are legal to use, or they are not legal, PERIOD!

I have dealt alot with the aftermarket parts in my days now, and half of the stuff is the worst welding I have ever seen!!!! I do not trust it at all, half the time I end up rewelding it all so it is safe. Why could we not have a station that we could get our own parts saftied at, inspect our welds, inpect the quality, but no, SGI does not have the resources to do this, even thou we are owned by the public and work for them!!

I mentioned to him how the cops and inspectors have waited outside of car shows to pull cars off of the roads or go through them after a car show, He told me I was lying, so I brought up a few instances, he agreed then that this has happened, what ever happened to the integrity system, when did ppl start not to care about others. We bring out cars out for the public to enjoy and raise money of things for children and charities, and what do we get in return!!! BENT OVER and a tow truck ride somewhere!!!

I believe that maybe it would not be a bad idea for SGI to have a inspection station set up at some of the car shows and we can freely bring our vehicles to the station and have them looked at, this would raise awareness on some unsafe items on our cars, and maybe a few things that should be changed, but we are doing this for ourselves and not them, in such a case there would be no tickets issued or warnings, NOTHIN at all. just some raised awareness and answers. I know that it is done at some shows in the states

Being that I do work for the Gov't, change does take a very LONG time, and this could take years. but we all do have to do our part for this to happen!! nite.
1968 GMC "HAVOC"
1986 GMC "Frank"
J.J.R.H. Design & Consulting

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