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Old 07-21-2003, 06:41 AM   #1
the baron
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Liège , Belgium
Posts: 263
There must be a God for morons like me...

Hi Guys ,
got into troubles two days ago :
the connection between my left front under arm and the spindle went south , the wheel crashed in the inner fender , the cab went backward for about half an inch ...
I came back with my wife from the shopping mall & was driving the truck at 30 MPH.
I could avoid other cars & people walking around.
What a shock , Wow !
I didn't got pissed as usual , but a lot frightened , as I used the truck the day before at 80 MPH on the Highway , carrying my two kids. If it had happened then , I probably would be sitting right now with my kids , on a white cloud , near the Boss , you know , the one with that white beard & that loud voice...

Results :
- 200 US$ to let bring the truck home
- a Girl Friend who almost wetted her pants
- a truck I will certainly part or fix , I don't know by now if it is fixable.
- funny thing : as the cab moved backward , I cannot put the tranny in Park anymore

I think this is the last warning that my C10 has had his time ...

Check your front axles , Guys

The Baron
1979 C10 long bed , 350 Olds engine , dead
1986 C10 Burb , 6.2 Diesel ( toasted ) , restauration project
1977 Impala Sedan , straight six 250ci , "Ye old Reliable"
1960 Girl Friend , frame still good , body has some dents...
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