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Old 04-26-2011, 10:22 AM   #617
yukon ratrod
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Re: The Project Havoc....

Originally Posted by nuke1 View Post
I guess one of the things that bother's me the most is the fact that they are unable to classify my truck. When I first got pulled over, they told me it was a "MODOFOED VINTAGE VEHICLE" so I went by those guidelines when finding my facts I needed to know. Well that was not apparently right later on so it was then deemed a "VINTAGE VEHICLE", now the classification changes on it and so do the rules in a way. now just yesterday it is deemed a "TYPE A" vehicle and is apparently a everyday vehicle and has to be looked at as a newer vehicle and inspected as suck. All I can say is MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
time to move to the Yukon!!! when I built my 48 chevy on the s-10 chassis I walked into motor vehicles, told them what I had done, showed them the vin tag for the chassis and we made a vin for the truck. nmy vin has like eight zeros in it. there was not any questions at all, but things are changing here too!!! my biggest question is what ^&&*%in difference does the year of the vehicle have to do with anything?? take your pick up for example! does it have disk brakes? yes!!! much better brakes then factory for that year, so why arent they looking at the up grades, and giving you a little pat on the back for the positive take my fathers 65 mustang, this car is so far from stock, but so much safer for the road that you would almost be a fool not to up grade it, just for the simple reason that it makes them that much easier to drive and enjoy, and stop!!!!

Last edited by yukon ratrod; 04-26-2011 at 10:25 AM.
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