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Old 04-26-2011, 07:23 PM   #5
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Re: ride hight problem

Ok so I took it today and had an alignment done.

Driving it home I noticed some issues.
In parking lots or going around my culdisac. The turning radius is significantly deminished. The last 1/2 turn on the steering wheel dose nothing. The tires occassionally shudder, and they squeel when I turn on concrete or painted lines. I know this can happen normally to an extent, but it dose it more and worse than before I did the rebuild. The guy at the shop said that he noticed it when he test drove it, but said it was due to the tires I had on. 31x 10.5x15. Said it was just trying to grab to much pavment.??? He said if I went to a more standard tire it would be better. Now I'm not defending these tires and rims. I dislike almost hate them, the are U G L Y, and if I had the money, I would buy tires for the 16x8 center lines I'v got in the garage. But I cant.

The truck is severly effected by wind. Just the normal evening prevailing winds here, pushing me around. Not crazy but noticeable. Could any of this be due to me not being use to the new sway bar?

When I got home I noticed the drivers side inner tie rod hits the pitman arm to centerlink eyelet with about 1/2 -1/3 turn on the wheel left till it hits the lock. Passenger side tie rod hits, but just as it hits the lock. If I lift the truck up 2" with a jack and spin the wheel, lock to lock, there is plenty of clearence all around.

Welcome to the forum tallic68. If it were me I would consider lowering the rear just a bit. I know you don't really want a low truck, but these things sit pretty high in stock form. A mild drop gives a sporty look and a much better feel on the road.
I wouldn't mind but I don't think I can with the tierod clearence.
There was typically a 2" difference between the front & rear so that once the truck was loaded, it wouldn't 'squat' too much to the point of being compromised. Sounds like the springs are paired correctly by the height measurements.
Now with the allignmeent and a couple miles on her, she sits at
33" front
36" back

And the front tires still sit outward (wider) that the back.
I'm stumped. Everthing should be the same set up as tons of other guys, but something is wrong. Can 2" from non HD springs really cause these problems. Did I get the wrong spindles? Is it a combination of all things? AAAAAAAAH!!

OK I'm good now.
Thanks again,
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