Originally Posted by wwotr
So Lock Doc,
If this IS correct, would it be the Lock Cylinder or the Switch that is bad?
(Come to think of it, the swith IS kinda "sticky" when I start it up.)
If I do get a new Lock Cylinder, will my local Lock Shop be able to key the ignition cylinder, to match the Door locks?
Currently they all work with the same key.
It could be either one, or it could be that the key is worn. If the key wears out the internal parts of the lock will wear with it. Since 99% of the time the key is turned to the "on" & "Start" positions the lock will continue to function that direction. When you want to turn the lock to the accessory position the internal parts are not worn in that direction so the key will not work. That's why wiggling it will usually get it to turn. If I were you I would take your key to a good locksmith shop and ask them to cut a new key to the GM factory specifications or + a few thousanths, and see if it will work. If your key is worn really bad it may be hard to do that though.
Yes, any good locksmith should be able to re-key a new ignition cylinder to match the doors. If you can't find anyone in your area to do it let me know.