Re: thoughts on this.
Donor is needed for all the little stuff (like fue lfilter/lines/dual batttery trays/fuel senders etc). I personally would not even attempt this swap without having a complete truck with the correct type of trans (manual or auto) to pilfer parts from. $1500-2500 buys a complete running driveable truck with a 6.2 here in MI. 80, 000 mile motor $600 tops, they pull it with all accessories and fuel set up, and I have to be able to drive it first. Unless you can drop the pan and inspect for cracks in the block, view it as a $150 core engine (unless it's a 1992-3). Check out detroit Craygslizt and you'll be suprized what you can find.
Don't want you to not get one, but almost nothing interchanges to SBC, and you need to understand that most of what you know about tuning a motor doesn't work on them.
I drove to work this morning in my 87 1/2 ton 6.2 auto. It's taken me about a year and $2000 to get it running 'okay'. That's beyond purchase price of the truck.
1987 2 ton 
1982  250/TH350 beater in progress
Dad's 1981  3/4 L6 3 on tree posi and no options, awaiting restoration or scrapping
Plus a mess o' tractors