a/c cab,doors,tailgate and misc
Just brought my a/c cab back from the painters..unfinished...after sitting there for almost 5 years...He didn't do near the work I thought he had done..(long,..not so good story)
72 aftermarket doors SOLD
Lowered the price of the cab to with a gallon of 89 chevy burgundy Omni paint. sold
Stepside tailgate..been shaved. sold
Hidden latches for said tailgate. sold
I have a stepside bed that I will sell sold
The cab,one door and one side of the bed has been partially shaved/deleted.
I will give more details for those interested.
May be interested in trades or partial trades.
Fight the good fight, finish the race, keep the faith
Last edited by kingsolver72; 08-03-2011 at 11:22 PM.