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Old 07-21-2003, 03:23 PM   #6
mmmm....Rye and Coke
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A guy my dad used to work with decades ago, who later became the leader of a fairly well known and large gang (which I'll leave nameless) was bad mouthed or otherwise seriously pissed off by some kid while driving down the road. He got out, and when the kid locked his door and started laughing at him, he did just that, punched the window out, hit the the kid in the face a few times then drove home.

The next day at work, after this guy had told what happened to his coworkers (not the boss fortunately) the boss came in and told this story about how some idiot punched his son at a red light "for no reason".

hehe, the guy was apparently pretty nice as long as you didn't ask for trouble.

The point is, it happens, and these kids will eventually run into someone like that, who will teach them not to be dumb ****s.
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