Re: driveline change
Stock trucks used to seem lame to me, but that has sort of changed the older i get. There really is something to be said to be able to drive a 60 year old vehicle.
That being said, i think you can maintain most of that with a few small tweaks. I have spent a bunch of time and effort reading and researching the same thing. The general consensus says late 80's s10 T5. It will bolt up to a Chevy bell housing (i assume gmc has the same bolt pattern). There are a couple mods like cutting down the input shaft/ extending the splines/ drilling out a hole/ etc. Then the use of a clutch disk and pressure plate from an astro van. You retain your stock clutch linkage. This will require you to convert over to open drive and replace your rear end. Gen 3 camaro rears are supposedly the best fit.
Hope this helps... its on my wishlist.
Last edited by PurdueSD; 04-28-2011 at 08:54 AM.