What should I put in the hole the factory tach came out of?
What is a good engine ground for the voltmeter?
Where is the coil to connect the Tach?
Tach hole...good place for a tach. No need for a huge monster one to fill one of the big holes IMO, the best location is where the stock one was, direct line of sight.
'Engine ground' is a BS term for ground. Your dash should be grounded, as is your inst panel. If the inst panel isn't grounded well, run a wire from the backing plate of the inst panel and secure it to the dash. (I recomend doing that even if you DO have a good ground)
Coil to tach... If you have the original points set up, run a wire from the neg terminal on the coil and hook it to the green wire on you (asumed) aftermarket tach. If you have the HEI upgrade, then run a wire from the TACH terminal (next to the 12 volt input) and run it to said green wire.
Fuel guage...I can't help you on that...onless it is an OEM guage.