Hello from Maine
Hi gang,
I tried to be a semi-regular on the StreetCruizin and My Old Truck forums some time ago. We were in the west Texas desert until 2009 when we went from one extreme to another. We now live about as far east as you can go...in Maine. So, I went from driving my 59 Apache 3200 year round to eight months out of the year. It's tough to put it in the garage from Dec-Apr, but with all the snow here it's a necessity. We had well over 7 feet of it this past winter. In fact, there is still a bit of snow in the woods even though we almost got to 70 degrees today.
I bought my truck on ebay a few years ago for $4000 without seeing it. Had it shipped from eastern Washington to west Texas. Picked it up 250 miles from home and drove it down Interstate 10. Having done that, I thought I had found a winner. It's been nearly four years and a paint job later...it has not let me down. My commute in Texas was about 13 miles round trip. Here it is only 6 miles, so I am probably not putting more than 3-4000 miles on it a year. It's our second vehicle and the only work besides the paint and glass I have had done to it is some starter parts, battery, heavy duty tires, and had to replace the rear differential seal....that's it...I have been very lucky! Due to our move and other financial obligations, any other cosmetic work is going to have wait until probably next year. I know, who cares unless you see a picture. It'll have to wait until I go to work because that's where they are.
I'll try and drop in and read posts and will most certainly hit you guys up for advice from time to time. I'll add a picture to my avatar when I get back to work.