Project: Blue Collar - started working on her
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04-30-2011, 01:32 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Hollister, Ca
Posts: 178
Project: Blue Collar - started working on her
I just finished mounting my blazer tank to my truck and thought I would share how it went. I was reading up on the tank install since the PO placed the tank in the bed, but did not secure it. The tank fits almost like it was meant to be there. The one difference I have noticed with other blazer tank installs versus mine is that I did not have to modify the cross sills. If I placed the tank all the way back I would have to, but I have a long bed and had more space to move it forward a little. As you can see in the pictures it fits so nice.
I also thought I would share how low the tank hangs. I know a lot of people including myself often worry about it.
Sorry for the night shots. Also here are some photos of the gauge cluster that I made today minus the fuel gauge.
Too many ideas and not enough time
Last edited by Gianyveedub; 04-30-2011 at
01:35 AM
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