Thread: shaved cab seam
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Old 07-21-2003, 10:52 PM   #2
Slots go on anything!
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Jeff, I used panel bonding adhesive in mine. I ground out the old seam sealer with a disc cutter, and then run a bead of the panel bond in there. It is a little runny, and needs to set up overnight undisturbed. After running the bead, I smoothed it with a body filler spreader, and put masking tape over the seam to make sure it sat in place until it dried. After it was dry, I hit it with 40 grit n the DA, until it was just metal and the seam. Go over that with a lightweight filler, smooth, prime, block, done. I did not fill it in the inside of the jamb. You might be able to use filler or Marglass, just make sure all of the old seam sealer is out. I work in a body shop, so I had access to the panel bond and mixer. Some of the filler with metal would probably work as wel, but just using plain filler would be too deep after you got the old seam sealer out of the way.
1974 Jimmy- 5.3/4L80e/NP241
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