Thread: VA AM/FM Truck Radio
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Old 05-02-2011, 02:34 PM   #25
Tim Christian
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Re: AM/FM Truck Radio

But he trusted me!!!!!!! Below is his last pm and my reply!
67-72trucks said:
You dont need to send me any more pictures. Your going to have to go to usps and get a insurance claim on the radio and get a refund. I need a refund back asap $325.00..I payed for the shipping and insurance.Please send me a private msg back..Not on the post..

I said:

Ok Mike, I really want to work with you on this but you have to understand my side also. First off I am not going to argue the working/not working part of the radio with you. Second the knobs and cups go with the radio they are not a $25.00 credit item. Thrid the push button is broke in two pices and it was not like that when you received it. So the First step would be to file a insurance claim with the post office as you stated you have it insured for $400.00 You get that started and we will go from there. I work from Monday to Friday from 7am to 5pm and the post office is closed so I will see this evening if the wife can take it tomorrow. I will not issue a refund untill I hear something from the insurance PERIOD! I do not feel that I am asking for to much. Thanks Tim
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