Originally Posted by brn agn
...you may be waiting awhile.  Geoff has been looking for a Suburban like the one I described and has not been able to find one...yet. I was just pulling his chain. 
You mean we're not getting a burb
Originally Posted by brn agn
I am sure Geoff is tired of hearing this, but I am really glad that we went with the satin version. I think it looks nice.
Not at all tired of hearing it.....actually really like looking at it
Originally Posted by mcbassin
I'm interested in hearing how durable your chassis paint is. I know the Rustoleum enamel sure scratches easy. I have my doubts.
I can tell you that I banged on the chassis several 100 times with the wrench while installing the hardware.....I didn't see any chips, etc to it.....seems to be tough stuff