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Old 05-04-2011, 08:35 PM   #9
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Re: street/strip suspension

Bringing up an older thread but I found it while searching.
I too am curious as to what suspension setup to run. I'm going to be swapping to an LS motor that should be in the 350-400rwhp range, will be running a 150hp nitrous setup, 3800 stall yank converter... your average fun cruiser. The problem is I want to drag frame too with an air ride setup.
I'm looking more for a cruising setup that can handle the power without wheel hop, not for the best 60'.
As well, does the NHRA/IHRA allow full airbag suspension vehicles down the track? Just wondering if there's anything in the rule books against them. Forgot to add it's a '66 short box.

Last edited by Notch1988; 05-04-2011 at 08:37 PM.
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