Thread: 72 GMC Pickup
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Old 07-22-2003, 05:15 PM   #6
Billy G
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Hiyaz and welcome!!! I gave $600 for my son's '70 ran decent...needs some work. I've see alot worse for more money, so I dont feel like I did too bad. I have some pics of it if you want to take a on Jason's truck page link below...

Good Luck!!!

Billy G

Jason's Truck Page
My FAMOUS LAST WORDS...."Ima Gonna!!"

- 1970 GMC 1500 swb/step 250 I-6 3 spd - "The GEM"
- 1976 Chev Scotsdale swb/step 350/350 - "The JEWEL"
- 1982 Chev C-10 swb/step 250 I-6 3 spd -
- 2001 Chev Silverado LT -
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