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Old 07-22-2003, 05:31 PM   #5
Overworked and Underlaid
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Originally posted by 77bowtie
If your needle is @ 3:00 you've lost the ground to your gage system.
it is at the 3 o clock just sits at that position it doesnt move at all.ill check all three of those grounds hopefully ill get to do it on thursday since i have that day off sure its one of those but i still wonder about that j shaped bracket.maybe ill remove it from the old battery cable and put it on the new just to see what it does.thanks for the tip.Jim
I'd rather push a Chevy than drive a Ford

The Beast-1978 C10 LWB

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(Uncle Mike)Michael Henry Millett 11/5/1957 to 03/08/2012
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Taken from us to soon but you will live on in our hearts-RIP
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