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Old 05-05-2011, 10:53 PM   #41
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Re: I finally got my 2wd

I'm going to breathe some life back into this thread. It has been a long time and plans have changed. What I initially thought would be my foray into fabrication became a third wheel. At some point I realized that between my C-10 and my 4x4 Jimmy I had all really wanted in trucks. Pretty much anything I wanted to do with this project I could do to either of the other two.

So, what next? Put the parts I have together and see what I can get for it. Simple as that. Between parting out other trucks and blazers, I came across another tub that was in better shape than the black jimmy pictured above, but not as good as the yellow tub. Since I decided to keep the Jimmy, all of my better quality parts were used on that project. So the yellow tub is on the jimmy (build thread in my sig). The dark blue tub from another truck went to this one. It has a solid rear floor, needs repairs on the rockers, windshield frame, and some in the bed sides, but overall for this neck of the woods a decent start.

The replacement parts I have been getting are mostly rust free originals, not an easy task up here. But today was a good day. I had 68 or GMC fenders I found over the past year or so, and got a 68 grill from the local junkyard today. I found other good parts on craigslist and from scrounging junkyards all over the state the past couple years. I have a solid tailgate also.

So over the next couple months, I'll tinker with it. Make it look like a solid project for restoration and see what I can get back out of it. Not really looking for a profit, I'd be happy breaking even. I have a short list of things to get the jimmy street legal and my C-10 should be getting paint this month. I'm not lacking in projects, just time.
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