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Old 07-22-2003, 10:09 PM   #9
82 Silverado 4X
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: South West Pennsylvania.
Posts: 582
I topped off my fuel tank before I started to make finding full on the fuel gauge easier to pick out later. The other gages i marked their poistions down on a peice of paper with the truck idling.
1. Getting the needles off without breaking the shafts is the hardest part. Remember to mark the position before you remove them.
2. The clear lens over the wiper control and heater control are etched from the back side. This etching needs to be sanded off and then repolished. I used fine sand paper (wet and dry). I started with 320 grit to remove the etching then worked up to 1200 grit and finally used polishing compound to get them clear again. Cut the overlay big and just cut a slot big enough for the temp, heater/defroster and fan controls to go through. After the overlay is in position you can trim out around the fan control and slots.
3. Cut out the overlays big for all the gauges. I also poked a small hole through the center of the round overlays where the shaft comes through to center them. When you apply the overlays work from the center out and watch that you don't trap any air bubbles. You can trim off any overlap and remember to open up the shaft holes after they are in position. Don't forget the two high beam holes and the odometer hole.
4. Reinstall the needles "after" you have reinstalled the gauges. It also might be a good idea to drive the truck a short distance to get all the gauges (espescially the speedometer) to settle. I Had to do the speedometer twice to get it right. The other needles I put back on with the truck running and the gauges back in the cluster. I used my previous readings that I wrote down for reference.

Hope this helps.

Take your time, use a nice new exacto knife blade for trimming and give yourself a nice clean area to work.
Hope yours come out as nice as mine did
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