Originally Posted by hgs_notes
Congratulations on a well built car and the much deserved award. We need those interior shots posted.
Thanks, it felt pretty good. There will be more pics to come yet
Originally Posted by mcbassin
Congrats on the first place. You know that's just the first of MANY. Glad to see all that hard work paying off.
Thanks, it felt good but weird also, I have built many cars in the past never to actually know if they have gotten anything or not. THis is the first time that I have actually seen an award. Never been one for them, but it was kinda neat to see it. It was wven better to hand it over to Graham and see his expressions!!
Originally Posted by noonzor
Congrats Dude!! Man that color really jumps out in the sunlight eh? cant wait to see it one day!
One day you will my friend, one day. The color just dances out in the sun!!
Originally Posted by nicke
Wow, is all I can say.... You did such a nice job with that car!
Thank YOU!!! soon she wil be on the road!!
I worked on her yesterday and the fuel level sender is leaking, I tried to fix it but no luck there< made longer shackle hangers for the back, had to raise the car up some, and a few other things as well. It is getting there!!!