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Old 05-08-2011, 11:41 PM   #12
RuralRoute C-30
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Re: What did you get done 5/8/2011 mothers day edition

Did the customary Mother's Day with the wife and family. Was occupied with power-washing the deck to look like new again like the wife was wanting and got the place mowed and trimmed for her to enjoy this week-end as well.

Also been busy with some major tree cutting and clean-up around fence rows, taking out the old in preparation for a new pasture fence, in anticipation for some 'hamburger helpers' arriving soon to keep it "mowed" this summer. (that will save some fuel!)

Did get some truck time later today. Almost have the dash installed. It's actually turning out better than I expected and a lot nicer than what I had.


Still have some adjusting and tweaking to some details on the dash and other interior parts before completion but at least it is going back together. (been over a month)

Just been a longer than planned truck project once again...which I've learned is often the norm when working on any older vehicle. Yet the occasional lesson in patience is never a bad thing though.

1985 Chevy C-30 Hydraulic Dump Bed
2001 Saturn SC2 (go to work car)
2010 PT Cruiser (wife's car)

"Reality is just a hallucination brought on by lack of alcohol."

Last edited by RuralRoute C-30; 05-08-2011 at 11:42 PM.
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