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Old 05-11-2011, 10:52 PM   #7
Hand Crafted C-10
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Re: 68 Steering Column

Yup, my turn signal lever feels stiff when I go to use it too.
Not so sure there's anything wrong. Some of the column gurus
are invited to butt in here

Getting to the lever is a cake walk. Once the steering wheel is off.
The puller works like any puller...bolts to part A and jacks away
from part B. You should be able to borrow one plus many parts
houses loan tools like this out for free.

If you go to investigate, do yourself a favor...DO put tape
with marks on your wheel and collar so your steering wheel is true
to the world when you reassemble. Never hurts to clean and lightly
lube plus, I personally, would replace the turn signal return springs
while you are in there...very cheap at the parts store.

THERE WAS a post way back when about cutting down the 67-68
steering wheels, though I would think it might work on any
era, HERE. The tutorial portion starts at post 13.

Have fun with your learning experience!
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