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Old 05-13-2011, 02:18 PM   #9
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Re: 2 Wheel Drive Value

Honestly I think you'll be closer to $10K, maybe less, with those rust issues assuming they're not too bad. You're talking about a rig that needs some patch work and paint. And of course the interior. That 72 linked previously has been for sale for at least 6 months, I think closer to a year and it's very, very nice.

Hate to be blunt but it's irrelevant what you can build one for or how much you have in it. Unless you're Chip Foose (or someone of that stature) you're not going to sell a car that you built for a profit. It's possible but very, very rare.

I've bought and sold lots of old cars so I may not be an expert but I do have some insight. I do it because I love to wrench and my dream car list is very long. Can't store them all so I buy what I want when I want, do some work and make them my own, then sell them if/when I want something else.

I've sold probably 10 rides that I said I'll never sell and always seem to find something else. Stuff is always coming up for sale so don't fret if you end up selling it. Hell with $5 gas looking like it could actually happen, people will be getting rid of stuff no matter what the current mantra is. Most guys with old cars are normal working guys who have mortgages, kids, heating bills, and such so don't worry about never finding another one. If a time comes when old cars are going straight to the crusher (think cash for clunkers x 1000), then you'll want to hang onto stuff.

To give you some perspective, I paid $2500 for my 72 Jimmy. I fixed two spots in the floor, put in new rocker boxes as the originals were cut out long ago, and did some work on the windshield frame. The rest of the tub is very solid as the PO did all of the body work and painted it. It needs a re-shoot though. No carpet and the font seats were rough. Before getting painted, I will replace the windshield frame as I have one in the archives.

Before I got cracking on the truck I got a lot of heat from folks at gas stations and such. They couldn't believe that I "stole" if for $2500. Most said it was worth 3 times that. I always replied that they could have it right now for $4000. No one bit. No one bit at $3000. My point is it's easy to talk price but when it comes to throwing out some Benjamins, things change quick.

The truck ran when I bought it but I did a lot of other work, mostly to make sure it was reliable and such. I've got about $6000 in it total as it sits with a new interior, rust repair, very nice stereo, new carb, exhaust, body mounts, new wiring harness, soft top, wheels and tires, MSD distributor, box, and wires (overkill but I like the stuff) and scores of hours. Keep in mind, that number is after recouping costs by selling stock parts that I didn't re-use.

I think I could break even, maybe make a grand on it but I doubt it. Granted mine is a 4x4 and no where near stock so a 2wd should bring a bit more in similar shape provided you find the right buyer.

I get way more sideways looks when I tell people that I want to convert mine to 2wd than thumbs up. Most people that I come across can't understand why I would change it, which honestly kind of surprises me but it's what my experience has been.

Anyway, good luck with the sale if you go that route. If you post some pictures you'll be able to get a better estimate from the folks around here. Lots of knowledge to say the least.
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