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Old 05-15-2011, 01:50 PM   #23
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Location: Grangerland Tx.
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Re: What did you screw up today?

I did a good one today. I was replacing a windshield in my 72 with one from LMC. They said to install the gasket on the pinchweld, then install the glass. It seemed correct as I've installed several windshields in my 77 since I bought it new, and that's the way I've always done it. Well, I cracked it trying to get it in. Luckly a local glass company had one in stock and they're open till noon on Sunday. It was also over a hundred dollars cheaper than LMC too. I installed it with the gasket on the glass, but now I'm having trouble getting the chrome insert in the rubber. Anyone know a trick to getting the chrome in?
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