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Old 05-15-2011, 04:12 PM   #7
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Posts: 71
Re: can I tow? need advice...

I am almost in the same boat, but reversed.
I am towing a 71 blazer from NY to Colorado with an 87 suburban.
I recently put the blazer on the trailer (trailer=2300lbs blazer=5100lbs) and towed it to storage. It towed great, I am sure the long wheel base helped alot, but stopping was an ENTIRELY different matter. I would NOT want to be in any sort of panic stop situation.

SO yes, I am hooking up the trailer brakes for the trip.

I personally would not tow with a short wheel base 1/2 ton unless your going to do 55 or less the whole trip.

I had a trailer that weighed alot more than the tow vehicle get out of hand once and it was scary. Never again.
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