Thread: 292 Inline 6
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Old 07-24-2003, 04:16 PM   #1
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292 Inline 6

Looking for inline experts out there.

My truck has a rebuilt block with a metal plate on the side from the local rebuilding company.
My guess is that some of the parts are from the original engine and the issue is that there has always been a pulley mis-alignment. We made an effort to correct this a number of years back and it has basically worked but I have always wondered what the real answer was. We left the water pump/fan pulley as it was and trimmed a bit off of the nose of the harmonic balancer to make it slide in a bit further. We also trimmed a bit out of the mount on the alternator to make it move back a bit. Now I have a power steering box that I would like to install and as a result some further issues in order to mount the power steering pump.

So, does anyone know if there were different harmonic balancers oninline 6's? The timing marks don't work either so unless the outer ring has slid around on the balancer, it is not the right one for this engine. If I had the correct balancer, then the alternator might be fixable in terms of alignment.

1968 Chevy - 292 with a powerglide
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