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Old 05-20-2011, 02:00 PM   #10
Classic Heartbeat
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Re: Power Steering Noise

If you see lots of tiny bubbles you need to let them settle out befor adding new fluid and turning your wheels. Once they settle out add more fluid, then with the front wheels off the ground start the truck and run the wheels all the way right and then all the way left then shut the truck down. Check for bubble in the fluid. If there is still bubbles, then once the bubbles settle out, repeat the process. I do not believe this to be your problem though, because you discribe the problem to be a shreak not a whine. Shreaking is the belt slipping on the pullys, whining is low fluid or bubbles in the fluid.
I would pull the belt, and dress the pullies with emory cloth to get them to bite the belt better.
I should ask are you turning the wheel all the way either direction? If so, many times the belt will shreak once you come up against the steering stops. WES
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Last edited by Classic Heartbeat; 05-20-2011 at 02:01 PM.
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